American Linux user in Jyväskylä

I’d just like to introduce myself to Linux users in the area. I’ve been using Linux since Red Hat 6.2. I now use Fedora 10. I program with PHP and am active with Akelos, the PHP port of Ruby on Rails.

I’m a pensioner from California. I’ve been in Finland for three years. Puhun vähän suomea. The story of how I got here is on my blog:

Now, vaimoni Pirjo uses Fedora 10, too. :smiley:

Hello, and warm welcome to Finland! Coincidentally I and Heikki from the admin team are located in Jyväskylä, too. Maybe we’ll meet one day. We’re busy planning the next (the second one!) finhack-conference (, which would be held in Jyväskylä this spring. M ;Daybe you could attend, if you wish to meet fellow Linux users from Jyväskylä.

Regrettably, we use mainly Ubuntu and Debian.